Welcome to Crystallography

The Crystallography Science Group comprises beamlines I11, I15, I15-1, and I19, members of the former Engineering & Environment and the Materials Villages. The reorganisation of the beamlines into Science Groups will enhance the collaboration across Diamond. Furthermore, the technical and scientific expertise within the Crystallography Science Group can be fully exploited to provide the basis for future development and pioneering experiments. The Crystallography Science Group beamlines employ various X-ray scattering and diffraction techniques to study structural properties of crystalline, amorphous, and liquid materials at ambient and different nonambient conditions. These powerful facilities are used for a wide range of science disciplines, from Condensed Matter Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Earth and Materials to Life Sciences. Important research fields cover in situ studies of batteries, synthesis of new materials as well as structural studies at extreme temperature and/or pressure conditions. The high demand and productivity of the beamlines are reflected by the output of about 150 publications in 2017.


I11 High Resolution Powder Diffraction

I11 is a high resolution powder diffraction beamline for structural crystallography using an undulator source. This beamline specialises in investigating the structure of complex materials, including metal-organic frameworks, high temperature superconductors, ceramics, alloys, zeolites and minerals under non-ambient, time-resolved, and long duration conditions.

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Wavelength: 0.5-2.1 Å
Energy: 6-25 (30*) keV - optimised at 15 keV

I15 Extreme Conditions

I15, the extreme conditions beamline, is a high energy diffraction and scattering beamline used to explore planetary interior conditions, as well as other experiments requiring high pressures and non-ambient temperatures.

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Wavelength: 0.620-0.155 Å
Energy: 20-80 keV

I15-1 XPDF: X-ray Pair Distribution Function

XPDF (I15-1) is a dedicated X-ray Pair Distribution Function beamline. The pair distribution function allows researchers in fields as diverse as materials chemistry; solid-state physics; earth science; and pharmaceuticals to gain insight into the local structure of crystalline, amorphous, and liquid materials both ex situ and in situ.

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Wavelength: 0.31, 0.19, 0.16 Å
Energy: 40, 65, 76 keV

I19 Small Molecule Single Crystal Diffraction

I19 is a high-flux tunable-wavelength facility for the study of small-molecule systems by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The beamline supports a variety of techniques to allow the structural change of systems to be mapped under the influence of an external effect (such as pressure, temperature, photoexcitation or gas exchange).

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Wavelength: 0.5 - 2.5 Å
Energy: 5 - 25 keV

Science Group Leader

Philip Chater

Email: Philip.chater@diamond.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1235 778677

Latest Group Publications

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