The BART sample changers in operation at Diamond are only compatible with SPINE standard pins.
Appropriate pins are:
There are a number of other pin types available from all three suppliers. These may 'look' like SPINE pins but they are not. These pins are known to cause problems with sample exchanges and will be a risk to your experiments. Where incorrect pin types result in lost beamtime there is no obligation to replace that beamtime.
The Unipuck (Universal Puck) is the sample magazine in use by the BART sample changers in operation at Diamond. Technical drawings of the unipuck can be found here. Please note, Diamond sample changers require SPINE standard pins.
Full instructions for working with Unipucks can be found in the Sample Changer section of the Manual.
Unipucks and tools can be purchased from Crystal Positioning Systems, MiTeGen, or Molecular Dimensions.
Click here to download the Unipuck numbering system and click here for technical information about the tools.
Unipucks should be shipped in a Shelved Puck Shipping Cane (Crystal Positioning Systems, Mitegen, Molecular Dimensions). If you use another shipping method, there may be delays to sample loading.
From April 2017, we will be etching barcodes to all unipucks that come to the MX beamlines. The barcode duplicates the exisiting puck ID in a 2D format. Please note that we only consider the top part of the puck as a reference. The etched barcode is read by a barcode reader to help us noting the position of the puck in the dewar.
If you have new or outstanding pucks to be etched, please contact . Although this can sometimes be done on an ad-hoc basis when pucks are shipped with a visit, it is beneficial to etch large groups of pucks before any visit.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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Diamond Light Source Ltd
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Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
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