Macromolecules tend to form small, imperfect and weakly diffracting crystals. The high brightness of synchrotron X-rays makes the collection of precise measurements possible. Automated remote sample handling systems allow high throughput for testing samples.
Rational drug design, enzyme mechanisms, supramolecular structure, molecular recognition, nucleic acids, structural genomics, high throughput crystallography.
VMXm is a micro/nanofocus MX beamline aimed at atomic structure determination in cases where the production of significant quantities of protein material and crystals is problematic.
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High throughput and highly automated fixed wavelength SAD beamline for macromolecular crystallography.
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High throughput and fully automated beamline for optimised MX experiments. Capable of accepting CL3 type experiments on crystals of pathogens.
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A unique facility for solving the crystallographic phase problem, using the small anomalous signals from sulphur or phosphorous which are present in native protein or RNA/DNA crystals. Additionally, anomalous difference Fourier maps can be used to locate sulphur and phosphorous positions to assist model building at low resolution and/or identify lighter atoms such as chlorine, potassium and calcium.
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Variable focus from 5 to 100 microns, high throughput and highly automated beamline for optimised MAD and SAD experiments.
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The Crystallisation Facility @ Harwell is a research and training facility for the scientific community interested in solving the 3D structures of soluble or membrane proteins by X-ray crystallography.
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The Membrane Protein Lab (MPL) at Diamond is a research and training facility for scientists interested in solving the 3D structures of membrane proteins by X-ray crystallography.
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High throughput variable microfocus beamline for optimised MAD and SAD experiments on crystals down a few microns in size.
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The Versatile Macromolecular X-tallography in-situ (VMXi) beamline will be an entirely automated facility for characterisation of, and data collection directly from, crystallisation experiments in situ.
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The UK is taking a leading role in the development of a new structural biology facility (SFX) at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL), in Hamburg, Germany, and a complementary facility at Diamond (The UK XFEL Hub) to help develop the required expertise.
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The fragment screening facility at Diamond Light Source is based in Lab 36 and on beamline I04-1. The scope of the facility is to encompass all stages of the fragment screening experiment.
More informationDiamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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