Scattering techniques analyse the patterns produced when a sample is illuminated by X-rays and causes deflections. Scattering experiments are used to determine the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials, including complex biological samples and polymers.
I07 is a high-resolution X-ray diffraction beamline for investigating the structure of surfaces and interfaces under different environmental conditions, including, for example, semiconductors and biological films.
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XPDF (I15-1) is a dedicated X-ray Pair Distribution Function beamline. The pair distribution function allows researchers in fields as diverse as materials chemistry; solid-state physics; earth science; and pharmaceuticals to gain insight into the local structure of crystalline, amorphous, and liquid materials both ex situ and in situ.
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I15, the extreme conditions beamline, is a high energy diffraction and scattering beamline used to explore planetary interior conditions, as well as other experiments requiring high pressures and non-ambient temperatures.
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I22 is a multifunction SAXS/WAXS beamline for the physical and life sciences. Small-angle scattering provides essential information on the structure and dynamics of large molecular assemblies in low ordered environments. Working in both transmission and grazing incidence with full and microfocus beam I22 provides a working platform for studying the full range of soft matter systems.
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B21 is a bending magnet Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) beamline primarily focused on dilute solution state systems.
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labSAXS is an offline SAXS instrument that compliments I22 and B21 in delivering the highest quality lab SAXS data. The Instrument will also act as a testbed for Sample Environment Development for SAXS.
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I12 is a high-energy beamline principally for Material Science, Engineering and Processing Science. The instrument’s main focus is to allow in situ studies of samples in environments as close as possible to real world environments using imaging, tomography, diffraction and small-angle scattering. I12 is particularly well suited to study large or dense objects and offers a unique sample and environment installation facility for weights up to 2000 kg.
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The Materials and Magnetism beamline provides a unique, world-class single crystal X-ray diffraction facility for studying a diverse range of materials.
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I10 is a beamline for the study of electronic and magnetic structure using soft X-ray resonant scattering (reflection and diffraction) and X-ray absorption. It allows a broad range of studies focused on the spectroscopic properties and magnetic ordering of novel nanostructured systems
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I21 is a dedicated Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) beamline that provides a highly monochromatised, focused and tunable X-ray beam onto materials, while detecting and energy-analysing scattered X-rays using a spatially-resolved two-dimensional detector.
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I20 now covers two very distinctive modes of operation: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) on challenging samples, X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES). The beamline is equipped with a wiggler for the scanning branchline (I20-scanning). The Energy Dispersive branch has been closed.
More informationDiamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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