X-ray spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the determination of local atomic structure in materials not characterised by crystalline order.
I07 is a high-resolution X-ray diffraction beamline for investigating the structure of surfaces and interfaces under different environmental conditions, including, for example, semiconductors and biological films.
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B07 will be a highly versatile soft x-ray beamline for NEXAFS/XPS suitable for studies of heterogenous catalysis, pharmaceuticals & biomaterials under realistic conditions, electronic & photonic materials, atmospheric & space science on liquids/ices and heritage conservation.
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I09 is designed to provide both soft and hard X-rays for high-resolution studies of atomic and electronic structures of surfaces and interfaces using photoelectron spectroscopy, near edge X-ray absorption fine structure, X-ray standing waves and photoelectron diffraction.
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I05-ARPES is a facility dedicated to the study of electronic structures of solids and their surfaces by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES). The ultra-high vacuum low temperature high resolution ARPES end station is served by an intense, highly monochromatic VUV to XUV photon beam from a variable polarisation Apple II undulator.
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MIRIAM provides a brilliant and versatile microprobe across the whole IR range, for the highest spatial resolution of molecular structures via highest sensitivity vibrational spectroscopy in Fourier Transform IR (FTIR) mode, plus TeraHertz (THz) spectroscopy.
Multidisciplinary experiments span from ex vivo/in vitro biomedical studies to in situ/operando physical-chemical researches, geology to cultural heritage.
Since 2022, a new nanoIR endstation couples an Atomic Force Microscope to the B22 beamline and uniquely measures photothermal (AFM IR) and scattering (s-SNOM) nanospectroscopy at sub-wavelenght resolution.
B23 is a life sciences, chemistry and material science beamline for investigating and observing structural, functional and dynamic interactions in elements such as proteins, nucleic acids, nanoparticles and chiral molecules.
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Scanning X-ray Microscopy with variety of imaging and spectomicroscopy modes: Transmission incl. absorption and phase-sensitive contrasts, and X-ray fluorescence.
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The Hard X-ray nanoprobe I14 beamline is a dedicated facility for nanoscale microscopy. The central theme of the beamline is the ability to obtain structural and chemically-specific information on a full range of materials (inorganic/organic) under both static and real (e.g. wet, heated, in-situ strain) conditions.
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I08-1 is the soft X-ray ptychography instrument at Diamond. The instrument is designed for ptychographic imaging, spectromicrosopy and tomography. I08-1 (J08) is currently in its commissioning/ optimisation phase and is open for proposal applications,
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The Materials and Magnetism beamline provides a unique, world-class single crystal X-ray diffraction facility for studying a diverse range of materials.
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I06 is a polarised spectroscopy and microscopy beamline equipped with a PEEM, 6 T low temperature (1.5 K) superconducting magnet, 2 T vector magnet as well as soft X-ray diffraction vacuum goniometer.
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I10 is a beamline for the study of electronic and magnetic structure using soft X-ray resonant scattering (reflection and diffraction) and X-ray absorption. It allows a broad range of studies focused on the spectroscopic properties and magnetic ordering of novel nanostructured systems
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I21 is a dedicated Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) beamline that provides a highly monochromatised, focused and tunable X-ray beam onto materials, while detecting and energy-analysing scattered X-rays using a spatially-resolved two-dimensional detector.
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µX-ray absorption spectroscopy, µX-ray fluorescence imaging and µdiffraction using high-brightness focused X-ray beam. Other techniques available include X-ray Excited Optical Luminescence (XEOL), X-ray Fluorescence Tomography, Fluorescence ReflEXAFS, Differential Phase Contrast Imaging.
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B18 is a general purpose EXAFS beamline. The Core-EXAFS is used for an extensive range of studies and applications, including local structure and electronic state of active components, and the study of materials including fluids, crystalline and non-crystalline (amorphous phases & colloids) solids, surfaces and biomaterials.
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I20 now covers two very distinctive modes of operation: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) on challenging samples, X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES). The beamline is equipped with a wiggler for the scanning branchline (I20-scanning). The Energy Dispersive branch has been closed.
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High throughput variable microfocus beamline for optimised MAD and SAD experiments on crystals down a few microns in size.
More informationnanoSpectroscopy is a subset of Spectrscopy, where spectroscopy measurements are carried with nanometer spatial reoslution.
MIRIAM provides a brilliant and versatile microprobe across the whole IR range, for the highest spatial resolution of molecular structures via highest sensitivity vibrational spectroscopy in Fourier Transform IR (FTIR) mode, plus TeraHertz (THz) spectroscopy.
Multidisciplinary experiments span from ex vivo/in vitro biomedical studies to in situ/operando physical-chemical researches, geology to cultural heritage.
Since 2022, a new nanoIR endstation couples an Atomic Force Microscope to the B22 beamline and uniquely measures photothermal (AFM IR) and scattering (s-SNOM) nanospectroscopy at sub-wavelenght resolution.
The Hard X-ray nanoprobe I14 beamline is a dedicated facility for nanoscale microscopy. The central theme of the beamline is the ability to obtain structural and chemically-specific information on a full range of materials (inorganic/organic) under both static and real (e.g. wet, heated, in-situ strain) conditions.
More informationDiamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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